I don’t actually know why I’m starting this blog other than the fact that I need to improve my writing and I suddenly have lots of free time because summer. My goal is to have a lot of writing posts, which is the main reason why I decided to start this blog. I felt that I needed to write more often, and I figured that this would be good for the motivation. I will probably also have many posts about my days (probably more of these than I like to think), and posts about silly things like what I’m wearing and how absolutely adorable my nails are looking. I don’t particularly know very much about blogging, so bear with me as I figure out how all of this works. My first posts will be coming shortly, but in the meantime enjoy a bunch of random facts about me:
That's all for now. Supposedly I'm more interesting when I'm not trying to make up a list of interesting things about myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog and follow it on all of the blog things. Please enjoy, and thank you very much for reading.
P.S. When I was writing up this post, I tried to find a picture of myself to put in at the top, but apparently I can't find any that I deemed good enough, so that is all for now.