
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Boyfriend Jeans

I recently purchased a pair of boyfriend jeans from American Eagle. I am problematically obsessed. I've never owned a pair of jeans with rips already in them other than rips I made while being clumsy, and I love it. I like how soft the ripped white parts feel against my legs. I also love how badass it looks. I wear them with doc martens because I like dressing like a tomboy, and I feel like a coal miner from the 1930s and in my mind that seems like a really wonderful thing to dress like. The picture that I quickly took the other day doesn't adequately show off the beauty that is these jeans. I never fully knew what I was missing, and I am too happy that I've found these. They're slouchy and baggy and comfortable, and I love it.
If you take away anything from this post, let it be this: Buy a pair of boyfriend jeans. Just do it.

Rainy Day

The other day it rained, and I decided to take some pictures of all of it.

It's not raining anymore. It's too hot now. It's supposed to storm tomorrow though, and I'm rather excited. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

First Post

I don’t actually know why I’m starting this blog other than the fact that I need to improve my writing and I suddenly have lots of free time because summer. My goal is to have a lot of writing posts, which is the main reason why I decided to start this blog. I felt that I needed to write more often, and I figured that this would be good for the motivation. I will probably also have many posts about my days (probably more of these than I like to think), and posts about silly things like what I’m wearing and how absolutely adorable my nails are looking. I don’t particularly know very much about blogging, so bear with me as I figure out how all of this works. My first posts will be coming shortly, but in the meantime enjoy a bunch of random facts about me:

  • I speak fluent French. It’s my first language. I’m very French.
  • Math is my favorite subject. I enjoy math puns. Numbers make me happy.
  • I sometimes talk too much about things that we aren’t supposed to talk about, but I don’t mind.
  • I like movies with explosions and car chases.
  • My favorite holiday is probably pi day. 
  • I'm going to be a senior in high school.
  • I unfortunately look like I'm going to be a 7th grader. 
  • I like peach iced tea very much. 
  • I have been described as pop punk, but I like to think that I don't fit into any labels. 
  • I have also been described as a kitten. On a daily basis. According to sources, I act like a kitten a lot. 
  • I wrinkle my nose like a rabbit.
  • I had to ask my friends to help me make this list (clearly), because I actually don't know anything interesting about myself, and apparently they don't either.
  • My favorite band in all of history is twenty one pilots.
  • I don't have very much to say about myself most of the time. 
  • That is all.
That's all for now. Supposedly I'm more interesting when I'm not trying to make up a list of interesting things about myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog and follow it on all of the blog things. Please enjoy, and thank you very much for reading.
P.S. When I was writing up this post, I tried to find a picture of myself to put in at the top, but apparently I can't find any that I deemed good enough, so that is all for now.